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Alone, in pairs or online, discover the offer that suits you best

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You have a physical goal to achieve, the "SUBSCRIBE" formula is made for you!

  At the rate of 2 sessions per week for 3 or 6 months, the results are guaranteed!

If you need my help to feel better but don't want to commit, I also offer sessions "A LA CARTE".

Two is better! Together you motivate each other every week to keep in shape. The goal is not only to move since I take into account your respective objectives by programming personalized sessions.

Thanks to a free training application, you can have me at home on video.

I send you your weekly sports sessions that I personalize myself.

You will find my advice for each exercise and I will always be available via the internet or by phone to make the experience as effective as possible.

Vous hésitez encore ? Profitez sans engagement d'une séance offerte ! 

Sports coaching sessions tailored to your goals

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Do you want to lose centimeters from your waistline or have a flat stomach? If you commit 100%, you should lose pounds gradually and see results over time!

To lose weight, my approach as a sports coach is based on physical practice. I also offer nutritional advice but certainly not a diet. The goal is to help you adopt good habits that will allow you to have lasting results.


What a pleasure to feel fit and not be out of breath every time you climb the stairs!

It is not mandatory but if you wish, I include a cardio part in each of my sessions. Indeed, by doing cardiovascular exercises, you work all of your biological systems: you are in better shape and your heart is more efficient.

Obviously, the intensity of the exercises is progressive over the sessions.

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Toning up is to feel good in your body with powerful muscles capable of responding to physical stresses during your sports activities but also on a daily basis.

Thanks to exercises for the legs and for the upper body, you will gradually see your muscles develop and your imperfections disappear.

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